(2024) Machine Learning (AI Master)

Instructor:       Qili Gao(高琦丽) Wei Wang(王为)
Email:              qlgao@szu.edu.cn
Room:             Huixing Building-Classroom 2
Time:               周五 11-13节
Credits:           3/48 课时

Table of Contents

Grade breakdown

Requirements Percent Points Note
Mid-term Individual Pre 10% 100
Final Group Pre 90% 100

Class Schedule

Week Topic
1 Introduction to Machine Learning & Linear Regression
2 Logistic Regression
3 Multi-Classification & Model Evaluation
4 Decision Tree (ID3 & C4.5 & CART)
5 BP Neural Network & Optimization
6 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
7 Recurrent Neural Network (RNN/LSTM/GRU)
8 Mid-term Individual Pre